A letter from the Morning Star elders

August 13, 2021

Dear Morning Star Church Family,

We have a few requests in moving forward. 1.) Please be respectful of individuals whose decisions differ from yours (mask, unmask, in-person or online). Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are evil or foolish. Most likely they, like you, are wanting to make wise and informed decisions. We also recognize that many gospel-centered churches we align with will be making decisions that differ from ours. We are committed to not criticize the prayerful responses of other pastors or elder teams, and we ask you to join us in this commitment. Accusation, slander, and divisiveness serve no good purpose and distract believers from being on mission. 2.) Please do what you can to support medical staff and personnel, many of whom attend Morning Star. Salem Hospital has seen a rise in COVID 19 cases in recent weeks and we want to affirm and encourage their important work. 3.) If you have any symptoms or are at risk of spreading COVID 19, please stay home and enjoy the services online until you are able to join us again.

Our hearts go out to the countless families infected and affected by the virus. We deeply appreciate those of you who have prayed for and cared for people in our own church body facing the wide-reaching effects of this pandemic. Thank you for caring and taking on the nature of Christ. We have the utmost admiration for the medical personnel who have worked so many long hours in less than ideal conditions to care for our community. Thank you for your compassion and commitment. We respect every leader at every level who has had to make innumerable impossible decisions based on limited information and certain backlash. Thank you for your public service.

Thank you, Morning Star family, for your extraordinary love and support. If you have any questions or input, please email the elders (elders@mstar.chuch) or Pastor John (john@mstar.church). We’re so grateful for each and every one of you. We’re in this together.

Jesus first.

Your Morning Star Elders

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