service info
service times
4775 27th Ave SE, Salem, OR 97302
9 & 11 am sundays
Every Sunday at 9 and 11 am, we meet in person and online to worship, pray, and hear from God’s word. Here’s a video of what our in-person and online services are like, and we’d love to see you soon!
What to expect
- As soon as you drive in, you will see that you are important to us. We have people in the parking lot ready to greet you and help with directions. You’ll see signs directing you to our guest parking because we have a parking space reserved for you.
- As you walk up to our building, you’ll see two clearly labeled entrances—the main entrance and the family entrance. You’ll find people at each entrance ready to greet you and give you any assistance or directions you need. Our family entrance is for those who want to check their kids into our amazing and fun MStar Kids area, where we care for and engage children from 6 weeks old through fifth grade. Our main entrance will take you right into the north lobby that connects you to all the important things, like coffee (!), the restrooms, and our north auditorium where our gatherings take place.
- The 9 and 11 am gatherings are the same. You can expect them to be around 80 minutes long. You’ll experience some engaging music and singing with the lyrics on the screen and authentic, relevant, and biblical teaching—all centered on Jesus—that will be practical to your life.

- We understand the apprehension of leaving your kids in a new place. We want you to know that we take the responsibility seriously and the safety of the children we’ve been entrusted with is a top priority. We value family and believe that kids should have a blast, learn tons, and be safe! So all our MStar Kids volunteers are trained and have current background checks. They are volunteering because they love investing in MStar kids.
- On your first Sunday, leave yourself an extra 10 minutes to get your kids checked in for the first time. We have staff and volunteers there to help you navigate through this simple process.
- Middle school students have their own service at 11 am in the South Auditorium, located as you walk in the Family Entrance.
- High school students are encouraged to join with the adults in our main gathering at both the 9 and 11 am services.
- Do I have to check in my kids? Can they go in with me to the main service?
That’s your call. Your kids are more than welcome in MStar Kids classes for age-appropriate and engaging teaching, activities, and fun. But they’re also welcome to sit with you in the main service if you’d prefer. Either way, we want them to love church! For new parents, we have a “parent and baby room” upstairs with a live stream of the service where you can still engage in our gatherings if your little one gets a bit fussy.
- What do I wear? Is there a dress code or expectation?
We believe Jesus is more concerned about our hearts than our clothes, so you’ll find people in shorts and t-shirts, jeans and flannel, as well as dresses and suits. Just give others the same grace to worship as they see fit as well.
- Can I bring coffee into the Sunday gathering?
YES! Our auditorium is a room where we focus on Jesus, but having a sip doesn’t get in the way of that. Bring your own from home, or enjoy a nice hot cup from our complimentary stations in our lobbies!