Israel Tour 2024

Shalom, shalom!

I’ve always wanted to visit the Holy Land! When’s your next tour? I hear that question often. There seems to be a yearning in the hearts of Christians to walk where Jesus walked, to see the land of His birth. If you’re one of those who has always wanted to experience Israel—its beauty, its history, its rich and full meaning for our faith—consider this your personal invitation to do just that. We hope you’ll prayerfully consider joining us on our 2024 tour of the land of the Bible.

This tour will focus on worship. Our days will be filled with teaching, touring, praise, fellowship, learning, and laughter . . . and most likely tears of wonder. The sites we visit, our times of devotion, and insights from God’s Word will challenge, encourage, and inspire you. We may begin as a busload of acquaintances, but we’ll return as a close-knit family of faith.

Denise and I, Duane and Cathe (our tour facilitators), and Max and Tanya (our Israeli guides) are looking forward to sharing this Israel experience with you. Each step of the journey will enrich your understanding, enlarge your love for the Lord, and clarify your vision for life. That’s just the beginning. God has more in store for us than we can imagine!

So come, join us for an encounter with the Holy One in the Holy Land.

Next year, in Jerusalem!

Pastor Scott

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in-person service cancelled! Join us online at 9 & 11 am

Due to weather conditions, we have decided to cancel our in-person services for Sunday, January 14. Please join us online for a special online church experience this Sunday at 9 & 11 am!