Hey Church Family,
I hope this update finds you well. I have thoroughly enjoyed the last couple of months of ministry. Middle East and Student Spring Break missions, a wonderful Easter weekend celebrating our risen Savior, baptizing 21 individuals, and hearing about the wonderful fruit coming out of the Women’s Conference this past weekend has me overjoyed with what God is doing through you. The Sunday that we had Reid Saunders as a guest preacher specifically stands out to me as several people trusted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. A visiting couple was there that morning that trusted Jesus at the 9 am service, went to the baptism class during the next service at 11 am, and then were baptized the next Sunday! It was AWESOME in the fullest sense of the word.
Thank you for your generous support of the ministry and mission of Morning Star Church. You are getting this update because you have recently given your time or finances to partner in leading people to pursue a Jesus-first life.
Well, here we go . . .
March Budget: $160,000
March Actual Giving: $151,880.23
Difference: -$8,119.77 (-5.07%)
Budget: $420,000
Actual: $416,540.12
Difference: -$3,459.88 (-0.82%)
April’s Need: $150,000
May’s Need: $145,000
As of March 2024: $3,483,412.01
Comments. First quarter giving ended with us right on track, which sets a much brighter tone for the rest of the year. The first quarter is where we make our smallest giving projections so please make note of our giving needs this spring that are stated above. We anticipate an increase in giving that typically takes place before we head into summer.
What this means. All and all we are in a fairly stable financial position with a healthy three months of operational cash locked in reserved funds. In addition, we also have a modest amount of money set aside to do some small but necessary capital improvements around the facilities this spring and summer, however, any major projects would be a stretch. We’re also facing steep challenges in our staff compensation levels as our staff salary pool continues to shrink each year due to inflation. We continue to be proactive in addressing these issues and do our best to provide a competitive pay structure and benefits to our staff.
Thank you to those of you who recently started to give, to those who increased their giving as God has provided, to those who continue to give and trust despite uncertainty, and to those who pray for our finances and stewardship. Your faithfulness and consistency amaze and bless me. If you would like to partner with us in leading people to pursue a Jesus-first life, you can do so by giving here. Some have found it helpful to set up recurring giving, which you can also do here.
Thank you so much and please feel free to reach out with any questions or input you have.
In all things, Jesus first!